
Amazon Fire TV review
9.3Overall Score

Amazon Fire TV Review

I'm someone who has been in the Apple ecosystem for a very long time and I own pretty much every Apple product including the Apple TV.  I've used it f...
8.5Overall Score

Powerbeats by Dr.Dre Review

Ever been in those situations when you're at the gym and your earphones keep falling off ? That's when you go for a Sports fit type earphones. Then yo...
8Overall Score

Asus Zenfone 5 Review

Asus Zenfone 5 was announced in CES 2014 and has been recently been made available in India. We were lucky enough to get one of these devices to try e...
7.6Overall Score

Moto E Review

Motorola’s comeback to market with Moto X and Moto G has been really exciting. Just when everyone thought Moto G was all Motorola could do to cut cost...