
How to Auto Share Blog Posts to App.Net

A developer on App.net named maximevalette has created a tiny plugin which allows auto share  of Wordpress blog posts directly to ADN with bit.ly intergration. This app was featured in the June month's App.Net ...

Google’s Cube Slam Cheats

Cube Slam is a video game that you can play face-to-face against your friends. It’s a Chrome Experiment built using WebRTC, an open web technology that lets you video chat right in the browser without installin...

Create A Foursquare Checkin Infographic

Foursquare has launched an amazing web app which lets you create beautiful infographic about your check-ins from the very first day. Foursquare has teamed up with Samsung to build this app. Foursquare announ...

Twitter Lists Gets A Major Upgrade

Twitter has finally made it possible to create huge lists for the convenience of it's users. This major update enable the twitter users to create massive lists with up to 5000 accounts in it! This effectively h...

Mapping Music on Facebook

Inspired by old-school graphic equalizers, this Beatquake maps the volume of listens for each of the top three most popular songs in the U.S. each day over a period of 90 days. Colored layers, each representin...