Jony Ive is the Dark Knight of Apple. We never feel his presence, but he has influenced almost every product we use.

Leander Kahney, the Editor of Cult of Mac and the former managing editor of lets us know everything about Joy Ive from his childhood to making some of the world’s greatest product in his detailed unofficial Biography of Jony Ive which hit store on Friday.

Jony Ive was a Genius in making. His thinking was way ahead of anyone and you would’ve guessed this – most of his design projects were in White. He was a huge fan of the colour white from his childhood.The best part of the book was probably he had to miss the first day of his design college because he was receiving a design award! He grew up in a family of design. His father was a silversmith and they always discussed about design.

Also, Jony Ive is not the shy person that everyone claims him to be. He just loves designing so much that he prefers doing just that.

This book is a must read if you are an Apple fan or a fan of good design. It talks about the making of most famous and beautifully crafted Apple Products.

Grab a copy of the book to read more on the Legendary Designer who has been detailed for the first time. The book is available in stores in the US. You can grab it on Amazon or it is available in the iBooks Store for $12.

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