Sony E3 2013 Releases

PlayStation Exclusive Games Shown @ E3


Five PS4 exclusives have been announced with 31 cross-platform titles. A number that is slightly lower than what Xbox announced at E3. Below is a list of PS Exclusive Games.
– Driveclub
– Infamous: Second Sun
– Killzone: Shadow Fall
– Knack
– The Order 1886
You can view the full list of announced games here; (link)

PlayStation Plus Required Online Play

Sony confirmed that gamers need to purchase PlayStation Plus to play games online. It’s a system that has worked very well for Xbox, allowing Microsoft to provide better services and outbid for exclusives. Sony said that you can still play single player games without PS+, as well as use all media services. Current PS+ members will have their membership transfered over to the PS4. Sony announced that more Instant Game Collection titles will be available soon and include Don’t Starve, Outlast, Secret Ponchos, and DriveClub PS Plus Edition.

PS4 Region Free

The President of Sony Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida announced that the PS4 console will be region free. It was confirmed on twitter after the Sony Press Conference. A region free console allows gamers to  buy games from any region and play them on their console. Buying games from a different region is a very popular move, as you can buy games for much cheaper than in your own region.

Sony Play Station 4

No Restrictions

Sony’s press conference delivered many blows to Microsoft throughout the event. Sony made it clear that the PS4 will allow gamers to sell, trade and share PS4 games without restriction and that discs won’t be checked by an online system. As an Xbox gamer, I thought their last blow was very funny. Sony introduced a video on how to share games with your friends. It showed how two people can share games in one step. It was a massive blow for Microsoft, however it was very funny.

PS4 Launch Price

The biggest knockout blow to Microsoft, was the price. Sony announced their new console will launch for $399 in the US and $549 in Australia. The console launches in the US for $100 less than the Xbox ONE, and $50 less in Australia.


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