Google Chrome Voice Search

Google’s Chrome has had the ability to do voice search for about two years now, but the latest version of Chrome is different. Now, when you ask Google certain questions about the weather, sports scores, stock prices, directions and calculations, you get a spoken answer.

You can download the latest Google Chrome from here. I did not get this update until I uninstalled Chrome,Downloaded and Installed chrome again.

After updating to version 27.0.1453.94  and heading to, Chrome users will find a little microphone on the right edge of their search field.

Google Voice Searrch

Click it, allow the feature (first time only), then speak and watch as your words magically appear on screen before the search results are presented. Google did have this feature for a long time now but this new voice search gives you a siri like response.  Now, when you ask Google certain questions about the weather, sports scores, stock prices, directions and calculations, you get a spoken answer.





Just to be sure Google knows who CEO is I asked Google .


It’s a neat trick and a peek into what life might be like should Apple add Siri to the next version of OS X.You don’t have to be signed in to perform a voice search. Moreover, the feature is supported in Chrome’s Incognito privacy browsing mode, which is pretty nice. It’s also interesting that a Google I/O demonstration included activating the feature by simply saying ‘OK, Google,’ as seen in the video below.

You can check out our Google I/O Round up here .

That always-on listening capability isn’t present yet in the latest build of Chrome, though it’s likely to be added in the future in order to allow for hands-free searching.

According to a post over at the official Chrome blog:

Search has evolved considerably in recent years: it can now have a real conversation with you, and even make your day a bit smoother by predicting information you might need.

Today we added the ability to set reminders by voice and we previewed “spoken answers” on laptops and desktops in Chrome—meaning you can ask Google a question and it will speak the answer back to you.

On a somewhat related note, I love this Chrome ad.

Speaking of which, I like Microsoft’s take even better.

So what do you think ? 🙂


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