Facebook Introduces Alpha Build App Testing For Android

Facebook has done something interesting for all Android app testers, the ability to test an app in its alpha stage.Facebook App for Android is probably the first major app to have alpha builds tested with the public.The alpha testing program will be similar to the beta program, but just that the app will be at an earlier stage in its development.

Alpha is not for the faint of heart–features will come and go, crashes will be introduced and fixed, and designs may go through many iterations. Because we are continually testing and experimenting on alpha, the Facebook for Android app that alpha users test will look and behave differently than what ultimately gets shipped in a general release.

To join the Facebook Alpha testing program:

1) Join the Facebook for Android Alpha Testers Google grouphttps://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/facebook-for-android-alpha-testers
2) Allow alpha downloads by clicking “Become a Tester” in the Play Store (you need to join the Google Group before becoming a tester)
3) Download Facebook from the Play Store to update your app
4) Turn on automatic updates–we’ll be updating alpha multiple times per week
5) Report problems and give us feedback by using the “Report a Problem” menu item

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Galaxy S5 Release date : January 2014

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