Create A Foursquare Checkin Infographic

Foursquare has launched an amazing web app which lets you create beautiful infographic about your check-ins from the very first day. Foursquare has teamed up with Samsung to build this app.

Foursquare announced

With 4 billion check-ins on Foursquare, we love exploring new ways to visualize all the places people go around the world, and the connections they’re making between them. Now, you can re-live each and every one of your check-ins, and have your own beautiful visualization to share with the new Foursquare Time Machine.

How To Create A Foursquare Checkin Infographic

The web app has been designed in collaboration with Samsung which is promoting their Galaxy S4 through this service.

Things you can do with this App:

  • Zoom through time and space as you visualize all your check-ins
  • Discover all the places you should head to next
  • Save and share pretty infographics of all your stats
  • Love it or hate it

When you first hit ” Fetch My History ” It come up with a video like over-view of your check-ins and then it let’s you create and share your stats. Check out the time machine over at –

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