Yahoo is on a roll as they continue to acquire startups and they confirmed to have acquired former browser maker RockMelt.
RockMelt had recently shut down their browser to focus mainly on content recommendation engine which is something Yahoo has been focusing on a lot recently.Rockmelt engineers plans to share their four year experience of building great products with Yahoo and help build a better world.
RockMelt spoke about the acquisition deal in it’s blog.:
Yahoo! and RockMelt share a common goal: To help people discover the best content from around the web. In our short four and a half years at RockMelt, we’ve learned a lot about how you like to browse the web, discover content, and share the great stuff you’ve found. You’ve been right by our sides as we’ve celebrated successes, endured failures, and invented new ways of doing things. You’ve taught us a ton. And we plan to put everything we’ve learned to work at Yahoo!.