GDG Chennai’s Women Tech Makers 2014

GDG Chennai was back with their second event this year after the Angular JS/Dart Flight School. Women Techmakers a.k.a DevFest Women has been a very important event conducted by GDG Chennai every year which is exclusive to women geeks in Chennai. This time, it happened in the Raintree Hotel on 15th March with over 150 attendees.

The event kicked off with an inspiring keynote by Swaathi in which she talked about her experience with the tech community and also about co-founding Skcript. Later on, Karthik and Jeyanthan also joined in with Jeyanthan talking about Men’s day (Yes!!).

The first session was by Sharon Rylander from Anki with her interacting with us on Skype all the way from San Francisco late at night. She talked about the Jaw Dropping possibilities of Anki Drive, It was truly amazing and everyone there wanted to get one.

The next was ‘Art of Publishing’ by Aparna Vedapuri Singh, the founder of She talked about her story behind Women’s Web which has been around for 5 years. She encouraged the women geeks to pursue their passion and asked them “What they’d be doing if money wasn’t a problem in their life ? What would they doing right now with their life ?”

It was followed by Sarada Ramani who talked about the principles of Business and Entrepreneurship. She spoke about the importance of valuing everyone’s dreams and doing the things you love. Also, she made people sit in groups and come up with one great startup idea in just two minutes.

After keynote, we had lunch and it was definitely delicious. The menu was small but consisted of amazing stuff only. They also served a variety of desserts including a Cheese Cake (Cheese Cakes are amazing!).

Later on, the event continued with Vasudha Chandak on making a difference with UI/UX. Most of the people there were Android developers and this keynote proved to be extremely useful. She went about her workflow and how she arrives at the final product.

It was followed by Swaathi, who talked about Google Cloud Programming and it’s limitless possibilities. The last session for the day was an Unconference hosted by Swaathi where anyone could talk about Tech, Jeyanthan and Karthik talked about their Google Glass experience over at Google IO 2013, San Francisco. After the Unconference we had people performing things like dancing and singing. We almost made Jeyanthan dance. But now that he has become an amazing singer, we really hope he sings in the next event.

GDG Chennai has been organising tech events in the city for the past three years with over 2500 attendees in total. If you’re looking to catch some tech, Join up at their Google+ Community or Facebook.

How can you not take a selfie at WomenTechMakers ?







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