We’re giving Ello Invites free

Ello has been making quite some noise in the headlines and it comes as no wonder that people are eager to join ello. Ello is an ad-free social networking service which is totally anti-facebook. Since it is still in beta, Ello is currently invite only. Invite only sign-up models have worked really well for some products in the past like for Gmail, which was largely in beta for a long period of time with a invite only system.

Thus the given the hype generated and the scarcely available invite codes, some people have taken it to Amazon and eBay to sell invite codes to get a few extra bucks.

Techzei team is totally against this and thus we are giving out invite codes to anyone who needs them, immediately and for free.

All you need to do is to drop a comment below with your email address and we would be glad to send you the invite code.

We’re on ello.co, Come say Hello at ello.co/techzei

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