It’s exciting times in the world of online gambling as the long rumored emergence of Virtual
Reality gaming appears to be nearly upon us. There have been whispers in the industry for a couple of years that the major development companies had been working on VR games. This should come as no surprise as the gambling industry has always been an early adapter to new tech. However VR is likely going to be as influential as mobile smartphone gaming in completely reshaping the user experience.
Virtual Reality Is Already Here! (kind Of)
Credit where due to all pioneers, and in a very early state there are already a few options when it comes to VR gaming. The technology has still quite a way to go in being capable of matching the fun of playing online slots at All Slots Online Casino, but from small steps will great progress eventually be made.
SlotsMillion is officially the world’s first fully Virtual Reality casino, offering a few dozen slots games that are compatible with the Oculus Rift hardware. The actual games themselves are fun and intuitive, but interaction is pretty much limited to looking around and ‘pressing’ various buttons. If they play their cards right the sky is going to be the limit – but you can bet that all the established major gaming companies will be paying close attention to what they are getting right or wrong.
Social Is The Key
What is really important though is the capacity to actually move an avatar figure around the casino floor. This is what the gaming companies are hoping to really gain from utilizing Virtual Reality software. They are hoping that this platform will finally unlock the interactive social element that they have been trying unsuccessfully forever to actually develop. It just seems that presently people aren’t keen on interacting in online casinos, whereas with VR the possibilities for lounge based interactions are theoretically endless.
Utilizing social media is likely going to also play a major part in determining the success of VR within the gaming industry. Given the recent worldwide boom in the number of active players, the hope is that VR tethered and powered via smartphones will enable friends to meet up in the casino and play a few games together as a regular leisure pursuit. We’re already seeing VR being used in a social context, so why not introduce a few slots and table games into the mix?
A Vision Of The Future
Of course there’s not much point spending millions of dollars developing VR gambling if only a few people can actually access it! VR hardware still remains pretty expensive to set up, but it’s widely forecast that the price will plummet in the very near future. Just as we saw with smartphones the price for the premium new releases will remain high, but quality entry level devices are now affordable to pretty much everyone.
It’s also expected that mobile service providers will start bundling VR into their contract arrangements, meaning that before too long there’s potentially going to be an enormous number of people with access to the technology.
What we can say for certain is that the industry is investing heavily in developing VR games. There’s already rumors that the major game development companies are discussing prospective deals with the casino operators. However it’s likely that it’ll take a little more than interactive slots machines to truly seize the public’s imagination. More interactive games such as roulette, craps and even card games will be the golden ticket in driving VR into the gambling mainstream.
There’s also the potential of using VR as an accessory for in-match play. It’s already taken or granted that VR will be a natural format for offering everyone ‘the best seats in the house’ at live events, so why not incorporate this into sports fixtures too?
It may take a few years but the odds are firmly stacked in favor for VR being well established
in premium online casinos by the turn of the decade. Exciting times!