Due to the rains and the flooding in Chennai, Anoram has built an notifier bot to notify if a family or friend is reachable by phone or by Whatsapp. This is a FREE service which can be setup by visiting help.anoram.com
There are two ways to get notified when friends and family are reachable.
Anoram Resq checks for two things – 1. If the user has cell phone tower connectivity. 2. If the user is connected to Internet through Whatsapp.
No Internet/Whatsapp Method
This method requires you to give in the details of the user which needs to be tracked with Name and Phone Number. Resq will automatically keep checking if the users phone is connected to the network and notify you.
Whatsapp Method
This method requires you to send a message to 9789603843 and the instructions will be automatically messaged by the Resq bot.
SMS HORIZON has provided 5000 sms’s for this service to be helpful to all the people of Chennai.