Is Ubuntu Edge Crowdfunding Campaign A Failure?

One of the biggest news in the world of open source last month was the revelation of Ubuntu Edge crowd-funding project to build the next generation of personal computing – smartphone and desktop PC in one state-of-the-art device.

The initial response when Ubuntu Edge was announced was phenomenal and about 10% goal was achieved in the first 24 hours. Everything started off good but, It seems to be failing now. Canonical requires over $22 million for the ubuntu Edge project to be successful. Currently, the project has received just over $9 Million and has only 11 days left to reach the deadline. Ubuntu Edge is one of the biggest crowd-funding projects to have ever happened and It has broken a few crowd-funding records already.

The Ubuntu Edge Crowd funding is a “Fixed Funding” type and not “Flexible Funding” which means that ONLY if canonical is able to raise $32,000,000 by its deadline. I’m not sure if we will be able to see Ubuntu Edge at this pace of funding from supporters.

The Ubuntu Edge is a brilliant concept and Canonical definitely deserves some credit for thinking out of the box and taking it to whole new level where Smartphones and Personal Computers converge.

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