WWDC 2014 is just a month away where Apple will be introducing iOS 8 and one of the biggest rumour is the inclusion of a new app called Healthbook for iOS. This might be extremely useful for a lot of people and can also become the news stand of iOS 8 for others. We can’t wait to see what Apple might put in the app if it exists.
Till then, concept mockup for a few apps have been floating around including healthbook. One of the most impressive ones is the one done by Jayaprasad Mohanan where he showcases the possible features of the app. It has an activity tracker which probably uses M7 processor. It also tracks cholesterol levels, respiratory rate, heart rate, sleep tracking and nutrition. All these are possible if Apple actually releases the long rumoured wearable device or iWatch which tracks those parameters.
This is not the official news from Apple or we are not even sure if there will be a healthbook app. But if they make one, should something like this one. It is sure as hell impressive. Check the whole concept of Healthbook for iOS8 mockup here.